New Publications to Announce

It's been quite some time since the Arch Street Project team has posted. The COVID-19 pandemic has been very disruptive for all of us. Initially all of our labs were closed. Then, we were allowed to reopen but social distancing requirements prevented many of us from working with students in the manner that we had become accustomed. Now, more than 18 months later, our activity level is approaching something resembling normal. However, despite COVID, the ASP team has still been plenty busy. Thanks to the efforts of Dr. George Leader, our first two peer-reviewed publications have been produced.:
Leader, G.M., De Paola, P., Mina, L. et al. Threads of Evidence: Polarized Light Microscopy for Funerary Textile Identification from an Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Philadelphia Burial Ground. Int J Histor Archaeol (2021).
Leader, G.M., Moran, K.S., Beatrice, J. et al. Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Funerary Hardware and Material Culture from the Historic Cemetery (ca. 1702–1859) of the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia. Hist Arch (2021).
More publications are in the works and several exciting research projects are underway. We hope to post updates more regularly in the future.
Thank you to everyone who continues to follow and support the work of the Arch Street Project!